Iron Shirt Chi Kung 1
Event Date:
Thu, 2020-04-30 10:00 - 17:00 Location
Khadro School of Chi Nei Tsang
65 Coe Hill Dr.
Toronto, ON
M6S 3E2
See map: Google Maps
We are cancelling all classes and individual sessions with Khadro until the end of April, please come back here from time to time and check for updates.
For more details and to register please contact:
Khadro (Dorothy Ramien)
email:[email protected]
Course fee: $389
Please make your cheque payable to Dorothy Ramien along with your completed registration form and mail them to:
65 Coe Hill Dr.,
The registration form is available online here.
There are Six Standing Meditation Postures in the Iron Shirt Chi Kung and they are designed to help us build strong physical and internal structures by helping our bones and spine grow stronger; the Iron Shirt exercises help us stay young because they send chi/energy to our bones and tendons.
By practicing Iron Shirt Chi Kung you will find that you are able to establish healthy space and boundary effortless as this practice will set up automatically a chi/energy space and boundary for you.
Who can Benefit From This Practice? “Iron Shirt Chi Kung was once a Martial Art. Now the practice that strengthens the Internal Organs, Roots Oneself, and Unifies Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health” As humans we all need more strength, endurance and Energy to live to be our best selves every moment. It is particularly appropriate Chi Kung Meditation Exercise for those practicing Martial Arts.
This standing Chi Kung meditation teaches principles that will help you to become well-rooted and grounded to the nurturing energy of the Earth as you continue your spiritual journey. Performing this meditation daily for five to ten minutes will increase the energy available to you.
The pre-requisite for taking the Iron Shirt Training is the Tao Basic Foundation Class; Inner Smile, Healing Sounds and Microcosmic Orbit, as you will run the energy through the Microcosmic Orbit.
Master Chia selected the six postures that form the basis of Iron Shirt Chi Kung I for their rapid benefits to the organs, tendons and bones. These exercises are sometimes referred to as "internal aerobics," since they increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the cells without increasing stress on the heart. They were originally intended to help martial artists create an inner armor to protect their internal organs from injury.
The practice of Iron Shirt Chi Kung helps maintain the body’s internal pressure. A healthy internal pressure gives shape to the body, for instance depression collapses the shape of the individual’s body and he or she will appear to be slumped over and you may see this also in his or her facial expression; or with someone who is very angry the way the body is held rigid and perhaps controlled, ready to explode. These are two examples of disturbed internal pressure.
According to Ancient Taoist Masters the body needs to maintain a 14.7 pounds per square inch pressure for us to enjoy good health and mental and emotional well-being.
The three layers of fasciae around the body cavity that contains our organs must attain/maintain this 14.7 pounds per square inch in order for us to be well and healthy. When this pressure is lost, we become sick. Breathing helps maintain this pressure; when we inhale longer the pressure increases. Iron Shirt Chi Kung postures promote a healthy internal pressure to improve and maintain health and well-being. Generally speaking, the chi pressure of young or healthy people is higher and when we get sick we lose this pressure; so when we are able to increase this internal pressure we recover the health of the individual.
Iron Shirt Chi Kung helps us build a strong inner structure. When we do the different postures of Iron Shirt we can actually bring back a healthy pressure to our internal organs, our brain and also to our sexual organs. A healthy pressure is required for our heart, organs and brain to function in a healthy fashion.
Iron Shirt Chi Kung does have a martial arts application, but our goal in learning this practice is to help us circulate and contain our chi efficiently. This will enable us to enjoy better health and wellbeing; giving us the freedom to choose to use this energy for spiritual practices to help us feel more grounded, present and available.
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