Khadro Chi Nei Tsang Level 2 - Global Body Attitude (level 2 certification)
Learn to see and work with the internal patterns of tension which manifest in the body as misalignments of the skeletal system and to identify these patterns in yourself and your clients. Develop an awareness of the flow of the acupuncture meridian system and the movement of chi, blood, and fluids. Become proficient with breath and breathing patterns and learn to experience and use breath as the "motor" that enables and regulates metabolic functions, as well as determining the structure and movement of the body. Benefits derived for clients from this level of treatment include expansion of breathing capacity, reduction in the level of chronic pain and structural problems, and better preparation for and recovery from surgery.
Become skilled in spontaneously using Space and Boundary Chi Kung to balance inner and outer physical, mental, and emotional space to help render negative influences harmless while enhancing positive aspects conducive to resolving issues for yourself and your clients.
This course is for the Level 2 - Global Body Attitude certification.
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